Northern California’s Best
Green Building Advisors
Bright Green Strategies helps you you navigate the complexities of green building.
We are a one-stop shop for Green Building Certification programs such as LEED for Homes, GreenPoint Rated, and Energy Star as well as energy efficiency modeling, testing & verification.
Green Building is complicated.
Bright Green Strategies makes it simple.
Our firm specializes in comprehensive residential energy, sustainable design and green building certification.
We have helped hundreds of green building projects achieve certifications throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as internationally.
We are experts in energy efficient building design and planning
Our goal is to bring the latest knowledge from the field to you, solving green building problems before they occur.
We are your green building advisors all the way from design, through construction, to completion.

We’re here to distill the “Acronym Soup” of the sustainability
world into plain English and help you reach your goals –
on time and within budget.